We have been playing ACQUIRE for 20 plus years-love it-even make up our own specialty tiles. We had even put two boards together with an old game and a new one to create old and new companies! So finding your site was a pleasant surprise! Glad you did this because you did what we wanted to do! Great job and good luck.
~ Louisville, Kentucky
Played with the grandkids over the holiday. I figure PaPa should buy them their own copy. Thanks Lloyd for putting forth the effort to complete your wonderful game. Excellent!!! Buy this game!!!
~ Arvada, CO (Owner of games #98, 195, & 220-224)
We are huge ACQUIRE fans and are very excited for this new game! Good luck. We hope you are able to make this extension a huge success.
~ Wylie, Texas
The game looks amazing, your effort was well spent. We can't wait to play.
~ Manchester, Missouri
More than I had expected, wow! It was everything and more than advertised. Thanks.
~ Toledo, Ohio
The game looks great. We are excited to play it this weekend. Thanks a lot. We love ACQUIRE so we are so looking forward to this bigger and better version.
~ Worland, Wyoming
The game was shipped quickly and looks great. Thank you.
~ Ferndale, Michigan
I'm proud to be the owner of MEGAcquire (Number 136 of 500).
~ Paris, France
MEGAcquire is a tribute to Sid Sackson's legendary ACQUIRE, in honour of it's 50th anniversary this year. The board is bigger than ACQUIRE's ever was, but that's not all that's changed. The board is now hex-based, making the topography of your companies more interesting. Despite the authors assertions of the opposite, I am still slightly worried about licensing troubles looming ahead. I sincerely hope MEGAcquire will be considered different enough from the original to avert that because I'd really like to see this game in stores.
~ Meople's Magazine
My husband, brother and I are so into this game. We are really addicted to playing it. You made a fabulous game. In fact this is the game we consistently play now. We are all retired and do play the game 3 to 4 times a week about three games every time we play. You did a great job developing it and can't wait to see what you are doing to the newer one.
~ Macungie, Pennsylvania
We absolutely love, love, love the game. My wife and I have been playing acquire together for years--and I played for many years before that. I have taught many people the game, and so, of course, we had to purchase MEGAcquire! In many ways it was like playing a brand new game that was very familiar to us. We loved learning the new names of companies and their cost, seeing the board in a new way with it's new tile design--and the "Lloyd’s rules" that allow for trading of stock to 'purchase' new stock changes the game in a wonderful way. 14 companies / 12 tiles / $12,000.00 to start / infinite trading / purchasing options -- Oh, yeah! We are so excited to teach all our friends! Thank you for making this game, it has renewed our passion for our most favorite game ever!
~ Midvale, Utah
We just played the first copy I bought from you when the original run first came out. It was a great experience. We have played the 1999 version for many years at an annual beach trip and found MEGAcquire to be much more engaging for everyone right down to the count of the money at the end. Thanks for the efforts you've made and thank you for a great game.
~Stone Mountain, Georgia
I am very glad to have purchased the MEGAcquire, my friends and I have played many hours and we really enjoy de game, as much as we have decided to purchase 2 more games in a few days. We want to thank you a lot for improving and enhancing the game at that level. I really appreciate your work and your fine intentions.
~R. Gonzales - Mexico (Game #201 & #276-283)
First I would like to quickly say Congratulations! I received my copy of Megacquire and it is everything I expected and more. I am very pleased with the size of the board and the production value of the components. I understand it has been a long and difficult journey to get to this point, so again, Congratulations and thank you for all you done to share MEGAcquire.
~ Florence, Kentucky
Played the first time last evening. The game ran 2 hours plus or minus 15 minutes. It went smoothly and proved to be quite well balanced. With three players, the winner and second place finisher were well within a range of $10,000 with the big loser $50,000 behind. The last place player played ultra-conservatively and passed up many chances to make mergers, many of which would have been very beneficial to them. You did a fine job Lloyd, taking a fairly good game and improving greatly upon it.
~ North Kingston, Rhode Island
I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for all the effort you put into making MEGAcquire happen. It is an amazing game and a great upgrade from the original. I am a huge Acquire fan and now an even bigger MEGAcquire fan. This is the best game I have ever played. You did a great job designing the entire game. Just one thought, I think the Solon corp. should have been one of the highest value corporations. You did a great job and I would definitely sponsor any future projects you were involved with. I highly recommend this game.
~ Scott Schupbach - Appleton, Wisconsin
I would like to extend my congratulations to you on the success that you have had with the creation of this game. I cannot express my happiness at receiving my copy. I just finished playing a game with my friends and we all agree it is a wonderful game that we have enjoyed playing, and are in fact planning to play tomorrow as well as this weekend. Also I have a rules question. The Rule book seems to say the tiles used to determine who goes first are returned to the bag and then we draw our 12 tiles before play starts which leads to the person who goes first playing on an empty board. Is that what you intended or are the tiles used to determine the first player then placed on the board for the start of play? Thank you. I want to reiterate that I am very happy to own a copy of this truly unique game. P.S. I won our first game $114,200 to $110,900 to $68,200.
~ Samuel - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Note from the creator: The intention is for the board to be empty for the first player. However, players can choose to start the game either way.
First off, I want to thank you for pushing forward with this project and creating a new version of Acquire, which is unique and challenging. Acquire is a huge game in my family, I've been playing it since I was 8. I love the game and was so excited when you launched the campaign. My copy, #91 of 500 came today and I couldn't wait to open it up and get some people over to play it. And we did play it. It was awesome and brought just enough unique twists, to a game that I've played practically all my life, to make it seem like a new experience. Again, the game is awesome and I can't express how grateful I am to you for making this new version of one of my favorite games.
~ Mike W. - St. Louis, Missouri
Awesome game, thank you for all your efforts making it happen. My brother and I started playing ACQUIRE in the 1970's and we always wanted it to be bigger, thanks to you that dream is fulfilled.
~ Kenneth Carroll - Bakersfield, California
Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know I received the game and Lloyd's Rules. We have played one game already and really like the mega layout. My family and I had just played several games of the original ACQUIRE over Christmas holiday and had lamented that there weren't more hotel chains, and that you couldn't sell or trade stock in the middle of a cashless turn. So we searched the internet for other games to play and found your website. You answered practically every suggestion we thought would make the game better. Thank you for sharing your work with us.
I believe my mom just ordered MEGAcquire from you as well. I think she was jealous of all the fun we had.
~Easley, South Carolina
My brother and friends are very excited and happy with the MEGAcquire, we have been playing more often than we played ACQUIRE because they insist a lot, they love it! We love this game!
~ Villa Castin, Guatemala
We are enjoying our games Lloyd. Thank you for all of your hard work putting this game together. I know you hopped through many hurdles along the way but I hope you feel like it was all worth it now that you actually have the games in hand and it is all now a reality! It has to feel good to accomplish something like this.
~ Lubbock, Texas
We've had ACQUIRE for years. Love it! Looking forward to the MEGAcquire. You've done what we talked about but didn't have the resources to make happen. My sons are always looking to make a game bigger and better.
~Colman, South Dakota
Love the game, especially the cards.
~Lubbock, Texas
You haven’t just built an expanded or larger version of Acquire, you have built the foundations of a better version of it. By moving to a hex grid, introducing alternative methods of gaining stock, and coming up with the pieces with different uses, you have already updated the rule set and game play to a more modern feel. Acquire is a great game but yours is better. This is not just a pumped up version of Acquire, nor an expansion of it, it is the rightful successor for the genre.
~ Beaverton, Oregon
I got your MEGAcquire to my birthday, 3 weeks ago, and yesterday I had the chance to play it with my best friends. They all love the original ACQUIRE and we were all looking forward to play it. What shall I say: It was fantastic! ACQUIRE itself is brilliant game, but as the name says, MEGAcquire is better! No more problems with money! But...now dealing with your share you got, when you have no more money, is just a brilliant idea! We all loved it from the beginning. An absolutely new and old game in one! Thank you for that!
~ Klaus - Germany
A few weeks ago I ordered MEGAcquire with you. Since it found his way to me we played it a few times. We were really pleased of it. It created more eagerness as we expected. For sure we will play it many times more. There are more possibilities and (inter)action, ergo: more fun.
Thank you again for delivering the game so dependable and uncomplicated and I wish you again successfully dealing with MEGAcquire.
~ Jonathan - Switzerland